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How To Code Well

Mar 13, 2020

Due to Covid-19 more people are being told to work from home. I have been a remote developer for 8 years and today I want to discuss 19 tips for working at home.

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Here are 20 tips for working at home:

1) Don't work on the sofa in front of a TV

2) Don't work in the kitchen

3) Limit your distractions

4) Drink lots of water

5) Take regular breaks

6) Get a big desk

7) Get a good chair

8) Keep your desk/office tidy

9) Make sure you have good lighting

10) Make sure you have good internet access

11) Don't watch or listen to the news all of the time

12) Set yourself as in active when you're on lunch

13) Mute high noise slack channels

14) Have and keep routines

15) The office water cooler and breakout rooms can be replaced with walking the dog or doing light house work.

16) Go for walks

17) Create a room that is solely for your work

18) Over communicate

19) Commit and merge code regularly