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How To Code Well

Sep 27, 2019

Kyle Cook from Web Dev Simplified joins me on the How To Code Well podcast to talk about React and his new course Learn React Today.

You can get the course here:

Kyle talks about what it's like to be a React developer, what JavaScript skills are needed to be a React developer and what benefits...

Sep 20, 2019

Gary Hockin joins me on the How To Code Well podcast to talk about live coding on Twitch and working at Twilio.

Gary is a developer evangelist at Twilio, international speaker, senior PHP developer and gamer. As part of his role at Twilio Gary live codes on Twitch and interacts heavily with the programming community.


Sep 6, 2019

Anna Filina joins me on the How To Code Well podcast to talk about working on legacy code. We discuss the pros and cons of working on legacy code and what the term 'legacy code' actually means.
Anna is a speaker, Youtuber and consultant who specialises in legacy code. We delve into Anna's coding background and discuss...